Forums - The Final Fight thread ! Show all 11 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- The Final Fight thread ! ( Posted by V-Gouki on 07:28:2001 12:49 PM: The Final Fight thread ! I just made this thread for all the Final Fight aficionados out there ! So if you have strategies, tactics, questions or fun facts about the game, post them here ! The goal of this thread is to become a very complete faq, with everyone posting his own knowlegde about the game. Final Fight rulez !!! PS : I hope I am not the only one Final Fight fan here ^_^! Posted by kalok on 07:28:2001 01:41 PM: final fight is a sux game:too boring Posted by V-Gouki on 07:28:2001 01:51 PM: Ahem, I said I made this thread for Final Fight fans, if you don't like it just don't post here, it's as simple as that. Posted by X-Treme on 07:28:2001 02:09 PM: Strategies for Final Fight? Don't take on more than you can handle and try not to let them surround you. Posted by Josh-TheFunkDOC on 07:28:2001 05:25 PM: I'm sure some of you know about the infinite combo, right? It's not very useful when there's more than one guy on the screen, but it's perfect for bosses (I don't think it works on Sodom or Rolento, though). Josh the FunkDOC Posted by V-Gouki on 07:28:2001 05:33 PM: Yes, and only Guy and Cody can do this infinite. Knee grab works better on Sodom, normal hits don't hurt him a lot. Question for all : what are your strategies against the bosses of the game ? Posted by Josh-TheFunkDOC on 07:29:2001 12:04 AM: I remember talking about this awhile back and I heard that Haggar can do the infinite as well. Just punch once, turn and punch, turn again and punch, and so on. Not sure if it actually works with him. Josh the FunkDOC Posted by Crayfish on 07:29:2001 09:41 PM: Hey VGouki check out my Final Fight thread here : It features the main info from my Final Fight FAQ available at : Has some boss specific strategies that pepole asked me about. Crayfish. Posted by V-Gouki on 07:29:2001 10:41 PM: Mhh interesting to see other player's strategies. Here is mine against Sodom (I play Guy): when you enter the ring, Sodom is at the right edge of it. Grab him before he does anything, give him 2 knees and throw him to the right. Now place Guy where Sodom is and jump straight up with your elbow (down + P). Now 2 things can happen : -your elbow hit Sodom : repeat the strategy -your elbow doesn't hit (you pass throug Sodom because he is in an invincible frame) : stay where you are and after a few seconds, you will grab Sodom then repeat the strat. By the way, what is your strategy against Edi I ? This guy deals out a lot of damage with is stick an is very annoying with his gun. My strat is to just infinite the hell out of him Posted by Crayfish on 07:29:2001 11:01 PM: quote: Originally posted by V-Gouki My strat is to just infinite the hell out of him That always works well. Remember also if you take some damage, Edi spits out a peice of gum onto the floor before the fight starts, if you pick this up and eat it (uurr), it gives half a bar of energy. Please continue. Crayfish. Posted by V-Gouki on 07:30:2001 12:05 AM: Yeah I knew about that. This must be some kind of magic chewing gum . Btw, how far do you go with one coin ? All times are GMT. The time now is 09:41 PM. Show all 11 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.